Fruitopia – Cooperativa Agricola, the largest association of blueberry farmers in Romania, is representing over 70 hectares of blueberry cultivated land and an estimated combined yield of 1000 tons in only 3 years from now. Our members offer the highest quality of handpicked biologically certified fruits and of course several different renowned varieties such as Duke, Elliott, Blue Crop, Aurora, etc.

Every year, Romania blueberry harvest season starts in the beginning of June in the most part of Romania and continues throughout July. The harvest season in the center of Romania lasts throughout September, giving this part of the country an average total of 120 plus days of total harvest time.

We are concerned about increasing the number of blueberries farms in Romania, by raising awareness about the benefits of this type of agricultural culture and profitability of this business.
Our purpose is developing a modern and sustainable agriculture, therefore, we offer support and know-how for any farmer who wants to grow this kind of crop or become a member of our cooperative. We have ample experience in the cultivation of blueberries and we are willing to share our knowledge with any farmers who are just starting to work with this kind of fruits. We provide advice and help plant and maintain the crops so as to produce the best kind of blueberries on the market which is in the common interest of all producers and customers.